Connect your
Epos Now till to
your website.
I need a new website.
We can design a web shop for you and link it to your Epos Now System. Then your customers can purchase online and in your retail store. This typically costs between £2,700 to £4,000. This will depend on the number of extra pages you’d like us to design, and how many products you have.
I have an existing website.
We may be able to upgrade your existing website or web shop and link to your Epos Now system. If your website uses WordPress or WooCommerce, integrating it and configuring it to work with Epos Now systems costs around £1,200 to £1,800 depending on how your site works. If you have a different type of website, we can import or upgrade it, give it a fresh new modern design and make it work on mobile devices too.
I don’t have Epos Now tills
Talk to us about the options or ask for us to introduce you to our Epos Now specialist. Epos Now are the fastest grwoing EPOS provider in the UK. Trusted by thousands of customers. We can advise you about the special Nettl deal for upgrading your existing tills.
How it works:
We’ll import your products from your Epos Now Till.
Review products, add images and detailed descriptions.
Sync your stock levels automatically.
When you sell an item, the stock on your till is automatically updated.
Get paid into your merchant account and process the order.
Despatch or allow ‘click and collect’ and send email notifications to clients.

Get started
The first step is to talk to a Nettl Epos Now Specialist. We’ll explain the process and talk about the next steps. We will work with you to design your web shop and our specialists will link your web shop with your Epos Now till system.
Features in detail:
Product Import & Synchronisation
- Get started quickly. Upload all your products and categories from Epos Now to your web shop automatically.
- You decide when to upload new products to your website.
- Choose to publish new products immediately or manually review them.
- Updated prices on your till? Update all prices on your website with one click.
- Synchronise stock levels between your website and your till. Your website automatically updates stock levels when you sell an item in store.
- Sold the last item in store? Products automatically hidden or shown as ‘out of stock’ on your website.
- Manage free and chargeable product options easily. Apply to some or all products on your website.
- Optionally import products to your website from Excel/CSV file and send new products to your till.
- Select some products to only show on your website, only show on your till, or both.
- Website to scale with you. From 5 products to 5,000.
Sending orders & transactions to your till
- When a customer places an order, it automatically gets sent to your till.
- Optionally send drinks orders to your bar printer. Or food orders to your kitchen printer.
- Choose whether orders are sent as ‘completed’ transactions or ‘ordered’ for ‘Click and Collect’ in store.
- Your operators can easily process ‘Click and Collect’ orders on the till. Edit the order or add additional items.
- Chosen product options sent as notes to your till and your kitchen/bar printers.
Click & Collect and Time Slots
- Set delivery or collection options. Including thresholds for free delivery.
- Allow customers to specify a delivery/collection date and time slot.
- Set rules on how many time slots are available. To match your staffing or opening hours.
- Set holidays to prevent customers ordering on days you’re not available.
Payment Options & Tax
- Take debit or credit card payments online via Stripe integration. Get paid directly into your bank account. Without needing a merchant account.
- Securely save customer’s card details against their account. For faster checkout and frequent orders.
- Optionally allow customers to pay on collection/delivery. Or force them to pay online.
- Allow customers to pay by PayPal.
- Transactions are shown on your till as paid online. Or with balance to be paid.
- For hospitality systems, select whether transactions are sent as ‘eat in’ or ‘take out’ tax & prices.
Customers & Communication
- Customer online account area included to view their order progress and order history.
- Allow customers to make fast reorders of previous items.
- Allow customers to register and edit their contact details on your website. Your till automatically updated when they order.
- Send transaction emails automatically to customer when they place and order and when they collect in store. Send an electronic receipt or invoice.
Website Design & Functionality
- Custom-designed site to match your brand. Created by real designers.
- Full content management system (CMS) to allow you to edit product descriptions, text and images.
- Integrated blog to allow you to keep your site fresh and with new content.
- Responsive design scales all pages to optimise for any device viewing.
- Mobile-friendly design is easy to navigate and place orders on smartphones.
- Full-featured on mobile. Not an inferior, cut-down site.
- SEO-ready and compatible with Google Analytics.
143 Wigmore Road
Rainham, Gillingham
Medway, Kent
T: 01634 260700